What is Hyperhidrosis?

Perspiration or sweating is a temperature-regulation response that allows the body to cool itself down. It is a natural and healthy operation of the body, although it can at times be uncomfortable or smell. Excessive perspiration or sweating without any reason is known as hyperhidrosis. This condition is characterized by extreme sweating, typically of the hands, feet, or underarms.

While hyperhidrosis is not dangerous, it often will affect confidence and becomes an inconvenience when attempting normal daily activities. When left untreated, it can also lead to skin irritations including heat rash, cholinergic urticaria (red, itchy, warm hives), chafing, skin dermatitis from bacteria, or breakouts due to oil and bacteria clogging pores.

Our team of specialists will create a treatment plan to fit your needs in our Ann Arbor or Wyandotte location. We offer treatment at many of our partner sites throughout Southeast Michigan, including Detroit, Flat Rock, Adrian, Brooklyn, Monroe, and the Downriver area.


Underarms, palms of hands, soles of feet

Why am i sweating?

There may be several causes behind your hyperhidrosis. This is not the type of natural sweating to cool your body during exercise or exertion. Hyperhidrosis causes extreme sweating which can appear suddenly and occurs in the underarms, palms, feet, head, and face, (especially the forehead and upper lip).

Hyperhidrosis can be caused by underlying health conditions like hormonal shifts diabetes, thyroid problems, or low blood sugar. This secondary type causes sweating over your entire body. If these conditions are causing your hyperhidrosis, we suggest addressing these underlying issues with your healthcare provider.

Medications can also manifest excessive sweating. Please read all side effects of current prescriptions or supplements to rule these out prior to consultation.

In cases where hyperhidrosis is not caused by a more serious problem, our dedicated and knowledgeable clinical team at Med 1 Aesthetics can treat it directly.

Do I have Hyperhidrosis?

Everyone sweats. Some people sweat more than others. Hyperhidrosis differs from normal sweating because it occurs even when there is no clear reason why.

You may find yourself sweating in air-conditioned spaces, or when you’re doing low activity tasks like watching television at home. Even the thought about an anxiety-triggering scenario can cause heavy sweating when you were perfectly dry minutes before.

While not usually a serious medical issue, hyperhidrosis can be disruptive, embarrassing, and even debilitating to our social lives. Fortunately, we offer treatment to help get your sweating under control so you can get back to the things that matter!

The Treatment

Botulinum toxin A or “Tox” injections (Botox, Jeuveau, Dysport)— often associated with cosmetic wrinkle reduction— are a particularly effective treatment for hyperhidrosis. Tox works to block the nerve signals responsible for sweating, stopping the sweat glands from producing too much sweat, and can help control excessive perspiration by preventing your body from releasing chemicals that trigger sweat glands.

Tox treatment for hyperhidrosis is a simple and virtually painless procedure. Our clinicians will apply ice or topical numbing cream to the skin prior to injection.

Retreatment is needed as the nerves regenerate, and multiple injections may be required to achieve optimal results. Results can last up to one year, with patients reporting longer intervals between treatments over time.

Ready to not be sweaty?

If you feel you have a problem with excessive sweating, book an appointment with our team today!