Tox FAQs

What is Tox?

“Tox” is a neurotoxin (Brands: Botox, Daxxify, Dysport, Jeuveau) treatment for wrinkles caused by repeated movements. The most commonly treated areas include:

  • the lines around the eyes known as crows feet caused by squinting or smiling

  • the horizontal lines across the forehead caused by raising the eyebrows

  • the lines & folding of skin between the eyebrows caused by frowning

How effective is Tox at treating wrinkles?

Tox is a medication. And like any medication, it will not always hit the mark in terms of outcomes.

With optimal dosing and a trained cosmetic professional, about 4 out of 5 patients can expect to be satisfied with their treatments by the end of the first month, with results maintaining for about 2 months, after which they will gradually diminish.

This is why patients need to undergo periodic treatments with Tox — it is not a permanent cure for wrinkles, but a very effective treatment.

Is it safe?

Yes! Tox has been available for 20 years and has been used to treat many diseases. In fact, it is used in children as young as 2 years old to treat cerebral palsy.

Is Tox poisonous?

No, it is not poisonous and it is not toxic to you. The product is a natural, purified protein. It is an approved drug that is used in VERY tiny doses. It comes from a naturally occurring bacterium – similar to how Penicillin comes from mold.

How do I know it won’t be toxic to me?

Typically for a cosmetic treatment, you may receive under 100 units. To make someone remotely sick, you would have to receive OVER 35 times this dose all at one time which would NEVER happen (plus it would cost you over $42,000 – absolutely impossible). You really are getting a VERY TINY dose.

How does it work?

Tox works by simply relaxing the muscles underneath the skin to create a smooth and refreshed appearance.

How long does the procedure take?

Generally, after the consultation, the procedure only takes up to 15 minutes. Since there is no downtime, you can do it on your lunchtime and no one would know you have had it done.

How quickly does it work?

It can take up to 2 weeks for it to take full effect. Usually, we ask patients to wait 14 days in order to fully see their results.

How is it done?

It is injected with a very tiny needle (it only feels like a little pinch).

My Tox treatment didn’t work!

Tox takes up to 14 days to take full effect. You will need to wait until the full 2 weeks have passed and then please call if you have any concerns. If it has been more than 2 weeks, then let’s book an appointment so that your treatment can be assessed and to see if you require a little more.

How long does tox last? Is it permanent?

No. Tox is not permanent. It lasts between 3-4 months on average e but everyone is different. If you promptly receive treatments every 3 months, then your treatments may start to last longer than 3 months.

Does it hurt?

Most patients say the injections feel similar to a little pinch, although everyone is different. We usually hear patients say, “Is that all?”

You might experience a little bleeding at the injection sites. This does not always happen but there is no need to panic if it does.

Is it going to be worse when it wears off?

No. Your face will never get worse if you stop using Tox or when it wears off. At the very minimum, you will simply return to where you started. If you use Tox for a number of years and then stop, your muscles learn to relax; therefore, you will look a little better than when you originally started.

How much does it cost?

The cost of treatment varies by each patient and a personal consultation can give you a specific amount. We charge $13.00 per unit and the number of units you will need can be determined during your consultation.

I don’t want to look like a mask without expression – will that happen?

No. Our providers will ensure you get the look you want, as natural as you want. Most people simply want to look natural, rested, and refreshed, without looking “done”. friends simply say that they look well-rested and great!

What is a unit?

A unit is simply a very tiny measurement of the drug.

What are the side effects?

Side effects are rare and are not permanent. rarely, there can be some minor bruising or a light, short-term headache. Most patients do not experience any side effects at all.

Is it true that you can get a drooping eyelid?

Side effects are rare and are not permanent and this can include a drooping eyelid. The incidence of these side effects is less than 1% and will last from only a few days to a few weeks. Most patients do not experience any side effects at all.

Where does it go in my body?

Tox stays local to the muscle where it was injected. After the injection, Tox is simply metabolized and broken down into natural by-products.

I have (Insert medical condition Here). Can I get Tox?

That is a great question. This can be answered by one of our providers to make sure you are a candidate for the treatment.

How Much Does tox Cost?

Some Tox providers price their product by area treated, others by volume, and others by units. The most reliable method is by units. Patients can typically expect to pay a range of $200 – $500 depending on the number of units used.

How long does it take for tox to kick in?

Most patients will begin to see gradual effects within 3-4 days. Patients should wait at least 14 days for the full effects. The treatment does not immediately kick in and does not immediately wear off.

Although the effects may last 3 months, they will gradually start to wear off. Patients are recommended to come in before the 3-month mark to avoid the treatment wearing off completely.

How long does tox last?

Most patients will see their results last about 3 months. Very few patients will experience results that last 1-2 months and some patients will see results lasting much more. It is important to remember that this is a medication that interacts with each patient differently. Therefore, the results can vary.

What areas can be Treated?

Forehead wrinkles, crow’s feet lines around the eyes, and the “11 lines” between the eyebrows can all be treated with Tox. Other advanced areas are the following:

  • Bunny lines (sides of the nose)

  • Nasal flare reduction

  • Corners of the mouth

  • Jawline

  • Eyebrows

How many units will I need?

The units required for treatment will vary from patient to patient. Your provider will discuss the amounts needed during your consultation.

Can tox be injected under the eye?

Yes. An advanced healthcare professional is able to administer Tox to the undereye area.

Are there ways to avoid side effects?

Side effects like bruising and bleeding can be avoided with ice. To avoid eyelid drooping and overtreatment, it is important that the patient ask questions about technique, dilution, and experience. All these factors can cause variability in treatment results.

Who is qualified to perform treatments?

The regulations on who can perform Tox injections vary from state to state. In the state of Michigan, authorized injectors are Registered Nurses, Nurse Practitioners, and MDs.

How many units will I need to treat my crow’s feet?

The units required for treatment will vary from patient to patient. Your provider will discuss the amounts needed during your consultation.

How many units of Botox and Dysport to treat horizontal forehead lines?

The units required for treatment will vary from patient to patient. Your provider will discuss the amounts needed during your consultation.

Can you exercise after receiving treatments?

The best recommendation is to avoid exercising for at least 4 hours. It is also important to avoid massaging the area that was injected to avoid any medication migration.

Does Tox spread from the site of injection?

The spread of medication after treatment can be affected by the amount of medication used and also the volume. Medication typically does not disperse or travel very far from the injection site.