Tox Aftercare

Proper “pre” and “post” care is essential to achieving optimal results from your Tox Treatment. If you have additional questions after reading the information provided on our FAQs page, please do not hesitate to call us. We want to ensure all of your questions are thoroughly answered.

What to Expect

Injectable therapies are minimally invasive and well-tolerated by most clients, but each patient varies in their individual experience. It is not atypical to experience bruising, swelling, or inflammation after injectable therapies. Variables include delicacy of skin, fragile vessels, hydration status, immune function, and healing capacity. Treatment areas most prone to these treatment effects include under the eye and lip due to the highly vascular and delicate tissue.

Neurotoxins typically take between 7-14 days to set in completely. If there is an undesirable asymmetry that is still noticeable seven days after treatment, a touch-up or additional services may be necessary. This is not uncommon.

Strategies to minimize possible side effects

  • Avoid all anti-inflammatory such as Motrin, Naproxen, and Aspirin for one week before injectable therapy. If aspirin or blood thinners are indicated for health conditions, we would advise discussing with your physician and consulting with your aesthetic physician first. NEVER stop such medications or have invasive procedures without consultation.

  • Consider temporarily discontinuing the use of nutraceuticals, such as fish oil or ginseng, as they may impact bleeding.

Aftercare Instructions

The injection is strategically placed into the muscular tissue and specific techniques have been used to avoid diffusion. Both technique and concentration reduce rare possibilities of systemic diffusion, but the following can further reduce those risks and ensure effective treatment.

  • Please avoid the aggressive manipulation of tissue after injection.

  • Please maintain a neutral position for several hours post-therapy.

  • Gentle cleansing and daily activities are permitted.

  • Gentle exercise is typically safe, but we advise against intense aerobic exercise that could alter blood flow and potentially disrupt medication placement.